Friday, February 1, 2013

Viva la Vida!

It’s just close to midnight. With the washed out moon above my head, the verdant view before my eyes and the chilly January wind sending a shiver down my spine, the time train travels back- the past flashes before my eyes, the saccharine memories flow through like gurgling water in a brook, the heartbreaks come back, even the ghosts in the dark recesses of my mind pose an intimidating force, the motley cast of characters in my life drifts in and out - you may say I’m an escapist but I bet everyone has these abrupt moments of retrospection.

       Go anywhere in the world, you will find it commonplace that humans are never satisfied. What is the nature of life? To me, it’s about learning from the anecdotes delivered by Time in the past, enjoying the present and keeping the future somewhere in your peripheral vision. At times, we try our best but we don’t succeed, the future looks bleak; but then clear skies have never made the best of pilots and calm seas have never made great sailors. This is a clichéd statement but I think it’s worth reiteration- never losing hope. Success is a treacherous lady. Sometimes an iota of effort proves to be the difference between glory and failure. Kings have been deposed of their crowns; the mighty have fallen - Rajat Gupta and Lance Armstrong are some recent examples who have proven the foregoing maxim dangerously correct. Everything said and done, you may be whatever-an atheist, a scientologist or an insouciant man going about his business. But never forget that faith is a powerful thing. It moves mountains, slays the most humongous of giants and conquers destiny. Never give up. Tumultuous times don’t last forever. In the end that what is right prevails and the pain fades into black like the morning haze on the horizon. All the worries disappear and it’s all hunky-dory in a matter of time. Experiences support my statements- it’s never really as bad as you think. Positive thinking and a touch of bravery is a lethal combination-it works wonders.

           You may say that this philosophical tirade is a far cry from my idiosyncrasies, but so be it. It feels good to step in the shoes of Paulo Coelho once in a while! If I have managed to put a smile on your face, my mission has been accomplished. Viva la Vida!